Design Isegoria

On Thursday March 3, 2022 AWA+D held our first ever Design Isegoria. In ancient Athens, “isegoria” referred to “the equal right of citizens to participate in public debate in the democratic assembly [source].” Organized by Magdalena Glen-Schieneman and held over Zoom, our interpretation of the format consisted of an engaging, fast-paced member slide presentation. 

The theme of the night was “Getting to Know Each Other Better.” We had a total of 22 attendees and 11 presenters. Each presenter was responsible for submitting a total of 10 slides — one to introduce themselves followed by nine slides featuring their work and/or the work of their firm. With only three minutes to present the 10 slides, the presenters really made every second count!

In just over an hour, attendees learned a great deal about each presenter — from personal passions and interests to where they find design inspiration, and detailed information about the niches in which they specialize. Members commented that, while they had spent a great deal of time with many of the presenters prior to the event, in many cases they actually didn’t know much about what their work entailed. In just three minutes, they learned more about their colleagues professionally than they had in months of casual conversation. It was an efficient and fun form of networking.

Additionally, events like our Design Isegoria are great for strengthening soft skills — like creative thinking, communication, listening, time management and the ability to perform under pressure — in a safe environment. The overall vibe was supportive, friendly and informative.

As Magdalena wrapped up the event, she polled the audience to see if they would be interested in another Isegoria-style event and the answer was a resounding YES! Keep your eye on the event calendar for more information.